visiting the army boy again.

this time we went without his family and for the purpose of only visiting him instead of getting him OUT of the camp. haha. also, this time I had a THOROUGH Korean Army Camp tour! =D.

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getting off 29 stations away from where I am living right now. wayyyyyyy up north. and upon reaching we waited for that bus which only comes HOURLY. and the bus ride takes an hour >_______>” really not easy to visit a friend in the army. haha. Continue reading “visiting the army boy again.”

Konglish Jokes!

I first heard about these jokes when this fellow Malaysian whom have been here for the 2nd year now got lame and told us about it. after I heard some I went online to search for more. and now I want to share it with you guys =D.

#1 how long does an onion live? —– o-nyeon!!! (it means 5 years. at the same time sounding like ONION.)
#2 what does a robot eat?—– BI-BIM-BAP (apparently you have to say it with a very robotic way haha)
#3 what do you call a cute guy with no ears? —– gwi-ob-da! (gwi means ears. obda means don’t have. at the same time gwiyeobda means cute.)
#4 what do you call a big napkin? —– HU-JI! (sounds like how a Korean would say HUGE and hyuji means tissue paper)
#5 what did the watermelon do when it got sued? —– SU BAK! (like Sue Back and Soobak which is watermelon in Korean)
#6 how does one forehead call the other? —– YA IMAH!! ( whole sentence is vulgar. but ima means forehead. haha)
#7 what does lettuce worship? —– sang-choo-ary! (sangchoo = vegetables. sanctuary. haha)
#8 wanna hear a family joke? —– gah joke (gajuk means family)
#9 who delivers the luggage best? —– Jim Carrey! (Jim = luggages. carry.)
#10 what does the truck say to the bread? —- BBANG BBANG!! (bbang = bread)

this is all for now. share more when I know more =D.

the drain that turned into a stream.

THIS. is. Cheonggyecheon Stream.

little did I know, this beautiful stream was once a drain when somebody awesome had the idea to turn it into one of Seoul’s major attraction today.

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this is only my MORNING Cheonggyecheon post. I am looking forward on going there again at night as I’ve heard that it’s even more beautiful. but I’ve always loved the sunlight when it comes to photographing. hmm. Continue reading “the drain that turned into a stream.”

LIFE IN YONSEI : first 3 days of school.


sorry for the lack of updates even though it has only been 2 days. hahaha. initially I thought I could blog everyday since I am so free here. but because of Yonsei’s high standard (and also because many students have said that the gap between level 2 and 3 is really huge) I am now studying at least for a few hours a day. Continue reading “LIFE IN YONSEI : first 3 days of school.”

[Seoul: Samsung] COEX Mall.

the other day the wind was blowing so hard and it later snowed. we had no where to go but into an enclosed place so we decided to go to COEX Mall. getting to Samsung Station is pretty far from the Sinchon (Hongdae, Edae) area but is close to places like Gangnam.

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this is not COEX hahah. it’s actually the huge installation art outside U-Plex. Continue reading “[Seoul: Samsung] COEX Mall.”