teehee. thank you for all the wishes! =3. had this awesome strawberry cake from Venice cake house; a very old cake house in my neighbourhood, love their royal dessert and Japan roll <3.  remember how I used to have secret recipe’s cakes until last year? well, secret recipe’s cakes are great, but they aren’t really pretty. as in, they aren’t very special physically. where this, looks FABULOUS! <3.

the smiling faces of the people in pink. except Lionel. jeez.

when you wish hard, that’s how you’d look. xD. blew 9 candles in 1 puff! =D. I AM AWESOMEEE.


I can’t lick my elbow. =(. at least I can roll my tongue? =D!

let me introduce you to some of my dear friends. with some funny incidents added just for laughs =X. or just, merely informational.

this is SkinnySandra. she is almost my height and she isn’t even 40KG. my best friend and I miss sitting next to her in school T_T. I still don’t miss school. just, sitting next to her. HAH!

she used to draw in class and sleep ALL THE TIME when she is supposed to be studying. but her drawings were so cute T_T.

Yee Jin. this is why one should always hide BEHIND a skinny guy. if not you’d end up looking like this; much bigger than a guy.

I met him in facebook. dangerous but true. but he isn’t harmful at all. at least he is friends with dozens of mine! =D.

Lionel owes me big time for not wearing pink. =P. his usual silly poses. haha.

this guy owe me scones and now a punishment for wearing white. HMM. how bout him, getting me a new white mouse? hehe.

Joseph lost 10kg and he wore his old clothes like a hiphop dancer. that’s what he thinks, but it still looked alright! I mean, still looked nice! and you shall read my next post to see what this guy gave me, it’s SO CREATIVE!

I highlighted and soft light-ed the picture. =D! we wrestled before and I lightly slapped him and he kept telling people about it! but we’re good friends no doubt =D.

DARREN! who claims life would be boring without him. which is, partly true. because he makes you laugh continuously >__>”

he is one of my best friends. we go badminton every friday and hunts for new yummy food each time. which explains the rapid growth of fats. =P.

this is Zhong. he claims that he is not photogenic. but I think that he just didn’t practice enough ehehe.

another one of my best friend. the first time I met him, he didn’t talk to me until half an hour later. and he was sitting right beside me. HAHA.

this is what I’d call the “brotherly love”. or, “SISTERLY LOVE”? since Suzuki often gets misunderstood as a girl and Zhong look incredulously like his sister here. =P. just joking. heh!

here’s Xiang(cool) and Bryan. I don’t meet them often so there isn’t really a story to tell T_T. I couldn’t even remember how I met these two. =X. but they are both very nice people =D.

here’s a shell shock picture of me. it’s candid. =X. and I edited it so it looks more cartoonie =D.

that’s yeecow. or Yee Hou. I was always complaining how dumb I was and that he is so great for duplicating his PMR results in SPM. (we got the same PMR results =D) and he always told me that if he can do it too I can do it. AND I DID IT! so now both of us have the same PMR and SPM result. so to all you 4A’s in PMR students! don’t be down if you only got 4, it doesn’t mean that you’re dumb, really! =3.

and another not so candid one. heh.

Jason/SmashpOp and Simon are geniuses! they gave me something I couldn’t have even thought of! T_T *touched* stay tuned to know what they gave me =P.

PS : hairband’s self made. it’s a simple black hairband with NOTHING. got a meter long ribbon and tied around it. then, clipped my mothers vintage flower earring on it. she doesn’t wear them anymore so =D.

necklace’s from China =3.

dress Forever21. love it. total princess like. but it couldn’t be worn for many occasions >_<“

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14 years ago

omggg awesomeee pretty cakesss!! XD

14 years ago

eeee i so calafe !! >”< hehe hide me face 😛

Serge Norguard
14 years ago

scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones
scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones
scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones scones

i do not want to give you scones :p

Tan Yee Hou
14 years ago

surprise buttsecks!