why I fell in love with Autumn

and it isn’t a recent thing. I’ve been in love since I was 8. watching Autumn in my heart the first time on TV being amazed with the beauty of the autumn tree leaves. being here, it’s like a dream come true. I absolutely marveled around trees. to the extent that I’ve hugged them. okay I am weird I admit. but being able to live through Autumn is really amazing. so even if the air tickets costs for for Autumn, try making it for this season which lasts not more than a month. Autumn just started about 2 weeks ago. so it’s at its peak now. I took the whole day out to go shooting with a fellow Malaysian yesterday. he has an awesome super professional camera but here’s a little (okay maybe not so little) of what I was able to capture with my own camera.

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we started our photoscape journey getting of the bus at Gyeongbokgung. and oh, those are ginko trees. they have the worst smelling fruit. it’s exactly like how I’d imagine a dead Raffleasia to smell like. Continue reading “why I fell in love with Autumn”

Akaraka 2012

super 5 months late post. because I just retrieved the pictures from Leo. most of the pictures below were taken by Leo ^^.

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after class I went to meet up with Leo. it was the 2nd day of Akaraka (of 3 days) and on the first day you can see students sitting on both sides of the road with little box tables on nice cozy mats (even on grass) with bottles of alcohol (soju, beer..) and chicken. but I guess I love the 2nd day the most. because they have FREE GIFTS!! the one above is a Loacker booth. basically just wait in the line and you’d get a free bar of Loacker. which I absolutely love but its absolutely expensive U_U. Continue reading “Akaraka 2012”