it is a bit of a phail because the food is either not weird enough or it couldn’t be nicely captured on camera. T_____T.
pictures are in descending order from the nicest. *in my opinion.
and pfft. it has really been a while since I posted on photography wuwuwuwu.
sausage + cheesecake
tuna + pasta + cheese
kuih koci + bananas
oatmeal + bananas
biscuit + mee siam
taste’s horrible!
banana + ketchup + bread
can’t believe I actually followed what this fellow posted online. he said it is DISGUSTINGLY YUMMY. almost puked from eating this. T_______T.
yau char kuai + vegetables
nasi lemak + kaya
this tastes awful with sambal.
bread + peanut butter + peanuts
peanuts for extra crisps. didn’t eat this. allergic to peanuts.
vegetables + cherry tomato + pineapple
gluttonous rice + butter
pasta + bread
pasta + corn
jam + roti canai
cherry tomato + bread
this is just for fun. they look cute =X.
pineapple + vegetable
just for fun tooo T_T.
mee siam + cherry tomato
this looks too normal T_T.
weird combination lo ! haha =D
those food are for display only or for filling my fat?? nice pics btw, didnt know you are into photography too 😛
here is some of my photo to share.. dont laugh if my skills is not as good coz i just started dslr recently