planning a trip to Tokyo this Autumn but not quite sure on where’s the best place to see those dazzling golden leaves? want to escape the crowd in Tokyo? well, I’ve got you covered. and the place is: Showa Kinen Koen or simply Showa Memorial Park. just a 40minute train ride from Shinjuku. Continue reading “[Tokyo: Tachikawa] Showa Memorial Park”
[Tokyo: Tsukiji] the BEST sushi in Tsukiji: Shutoku 秀徳
I’ve always thought to myself, the best sushi in Tsukiji must be Sushi Dai since I queued 3-4hours for it. but to my surprise, there is actually something even better. though a different style, I definitely preferred this sushi bar over Sushi Dai. there is something about the way they prepared it which makes every piece pretty much perfect. PLUS there was completely no wait. well unless if you have a big group. I think this place is pretty local since up till now I have not found any blogs about this place in English and it is not infested with them English speaking foreigners (yet.) but since my blog ain’t that popular, I hope this place wouldn’t be crowded with foreigners the next time I go there. if you’re a famous blogger, please do not blog about this place HAHAHAH. PLEASE. also, because there’s 3 shops, there SHOULDN’T be a queue =X. and what is this unknown (to English speaking foreigners) sushi bar called?
しゅうとくにごうてん or Shutokunigouten or Shutoku.
the specific shop I went to was 秀徳 1号店 Shutoku Shop no.1.
(update 2017: went back and dined at shop no.2, it’s very similar but I still prefer shop no.1!)
don’t ask me why are there so many names. there are just so many names when I searched for it in Japanese :S. but I generally call it Shutoku.
I was actually recommended by a friend living in Japan whom had been to Jiro’s and since he strongly recommended this place, I decided to give it a shot when my sister comes (because I wanted to go to exclusive places with people whom are important to me ^_^.)
the downside of this place is that it does not have an English sign so finding it will be tad more difficult but don’t worry. I got you. hence here are some pictures to help you. hahaha. Continue reading “[Tokyo: Tsukiji] the BEST sushi in Tsukiji: Shutoku 秀徳”
[Tokyo: Tsukiji] Sushi Dai vs. Sushi Daiwa
Tsukiji Fish Market, Tokyo.
if you’re planning a trip to Tokyo, Tsukiji Fish Market shouldn’t be unfamiliar to you. especially half of this world renowned market is going to be relocated in 2016 so this year is the only last chance you have to enjoy Tsukiji as it is. and if you’re planning on a trip there already.. you might probably have heard of the most famous sushi restaurant bar in Tsukiji, Sushi Dai. BUT, you might’ve also heard of the sushi bar a few shops away, called Sushi Daiwa. and as a sushi enthusiast as myself, I went to both.
okay, actually because of my budget, I could barely afford such luxury but I skimped throughout my whole Tokyo trip for it. so it better be worth it. so at first, I was dying to look for someone to be kind enough to go with me to Tsukiji as NOBODY wanted to wake up early and queue for hours just for good sushi.
I started queuing for Sushi Dai from 6:15AM as soon as I’ve reached (my friends told me how it was complicating to find bla bla but I found it ridiculously easy to find. just google for the directions from Tsukijishijo Station to Sushi Dai and screen cap it. then use it as your guide there. =). that’s what I did for EVERYTHINGGG hahaha.) Continue reading “[Tokyo: Tsukiji] Sushi Dai vs. Sushi Daiwa”
[Tokyo: Meiji Jingu] Meiji Jingumae
Konbanwa! long time no see blog. I had been working U_U. but NOW when my coll started, I am more free. why? because there’s only twoooo classes per week! and hopefully the time table wouldn’t change, so both the subjects fall on the same day = one coll day per week! YIPEE!
it was so HOT when we arrived in Tokyo. it’s always like that, whenever we land we wear thick clothes and when we get out, it’s so hot we’re literally sweating in winter. SO, the next day, I wore my mom’s thin sweater. but then it rained and I was almost froze to death. thank goodness we brought extra clothes. Continue reading “[Tokyo: Meiji Jingu] Meiji Jingumae”