I had been procrastinating on blogging about this awesome place for a bit now. and since the line is not as bad as before now it’ll be the best to visit this place! it’s a famous “matjib” (means yummy restaurant) in Hyehwa/Daehakro and they have a branch in Sinchon which I heard isn’t as good as this one here. they also have one opened up in Gangnam too! with super long lines as well. haha.
신촌과 강남도 있는 맛집 오쭈 쭈꾸미이다! 저녁시간이면 줄 써야하는 맛집이고 혜화역근처에 있는 소나무길에 있다.
located along the Sonamu-gil (Hyehwa exit 3 take a u-turn upon exit and turn left on the 2nd junction), this restaurant had always been filled with people during dinner time.
요즘 줄이 줄여서 이 맛집 방문하기 좋은 때이다. 제가 작년 가을에 갔을 때 45분 기다렸다 ㅠ. 이근처에 살아서 예전에 지나갈 때마다 줄 써있지만 요즘은 줄이 별로 없는 것 같다.
the spicy small octopus dish costs 10,000won per portion and they have other stuff like small octopus with samgyupsal etc.
여기의 매콤한 쭈꾸미는 일인분 10,000원이고 다른 메뉴도 있었다. 여기에 나온 반찬은 샐러드이고 올리브 올려서 보통것보단 조금 더 있어보인다 ^^.
and finally! our Jjuggumi arrived! jjuggumi is what you call these small and yummy octopuses.
짜짠! 맛있어보이죠?
here’s my best friend, Wai Kit looking quite silly in that apron hahaha.
서울의 베프, 와이킷이다! 나이 많이 보일 수도 있지만 나랑 거의 같은 나이임. ㅋㅋㅋ.
forget about Cheese Ribs because.. cheese ribs are basically rip offs and it doesn’t even taste that good. you can order a pot of Cheese Fondue for I think around 5,000won? and man that cheese was definitely real.
음식과 사진 찍는것은 필수.
I don’t particularly like octopuses but the ones here are just super addictive. you get what I mean. I have to warn you that this dish IS pretty spicy and if you can’t think hot things, you may choose to skip it. but Koreans love their food spicy. =D.
익혔다!!! 사실은 여기의 쭈꾸미는 매콤하는것 보단 정말 맵습니다. ㅠ. 말레이시아 사람으로써 정말 맵다고 생각한다. 매워도 중독성이 있고 퐁듀와 정말 잘 어울리다. 치즈 퐁듀에 찍어 먹으면 매운맛을 좀 더 가라앉힐 수 있어서 그런가.. 암튼 치즈랑 같이 먹으면 덜 매워욤 ^^.
the super duper creamy and cheesy cheese fondue! <3. I loved this fondue in comparison to many other places which.. don’t add cream into their cheese I think? I don’t know but this was easy to dip and the cheese smell of it was just splendid.
짜짠!!! 한국에서 이상하고 가짠 치즈를 많이 먹어서 이 퐁듀를 시킬 때도 좀 의심스러웠지만 반면에 정말 맛있었다! 크림성 많아서 그런가 치즈향도 강하고 치즈등갈비 먹을 때 그런 찍기 어려운 치즈아니라 쉽게 찍을 수 있어서 편하게 먹을 수 있었다. (치즈등갈비는 치즈 없으면 더 맛있으며 등갈비 맛도 그저그래요 사실..)
now look at that.
어머어머 이거봐요 <3. 맛있어 보이지 않아요?
we also ordered a jug of cream makgeolli (4,000won) since I’ve never had any sort like this and it was really something fresh. I’ve never had anything like it and it isn’t the easy to make it yourself at home kind of drink so I thought it was pretty worth it! of course, it tastes absolutely delicious too!
they also had other kinds of special makgeolli like the Yuja Makgeolli and the Grapefruit Makgeolli
크림막걸리 (4천원)도 시켰는데 후회 없다!!! 딴데보다 특별하고 매우 맛있었다. 강추! 자몽/유자 다양한 막걸리맛도 있었다. 나중에 먹어야징~
directions: come out of Hyehwa Station exit 3, take a U-turn and walk straight. turn left on the second junction, walk straight into the road and you will see shops like snob on your right.. walk further in and you will see 오쭈 쭈꾸미 Ojju Jjuggumi on your left. there’s probably a queue there if you’re there for dinner. expect to wait for around 15-45minutes.
price: it costs around 10,000~15,000won or more per person depending on what you order =). our bill that night came up to a total of 29,000won. we could’ve totally drank much more makgeolli. but oh well, we’re student’s on budget!
장소: 제가 갔던 오쭈 쭈꾸미는 혜화동의 소나무길에 있다. 혜화역 3번 출구 나와서 U턴하고 왼 쪽의 2번째 거리으로 들어가면 될 겁니다~
가격: 마원에서 만5천원
Oh my gosh that looks so good. I love octopus! sad I didn’t know about this while in Korea. Next time…next time…
The Artistically Challenged
Wow! Seems tasty.
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