the no.1 Japanese curry shop in Seoul?
that must be Kareo! a restaurant that I frequent a lot in Hongdae. I am not quite a fan of most curry shops in Korea because they are normally too sweet or just.. too bland for my Malaysian taste buds. but what’s good about Kareo you ask?
well.. it’s affordable! while 8,000 and up is the price of a plate of curry at other shops, the curry here has such a big portion that.. you should only order one portion for 2. since I eat a lot, I normally order the huge portion and share it with a friend. while many shops dislike the fact that you share your portion and insist on having each person ordering one portion, in Kareo, they told me that one portion is very huge and I should not order 2 for 2 of us in case we cannot finish it. kind staff yes? they care for their customers more than their profits =D.
가끔식 카레를 땡기신적 있죠? 저두 그런 마음이 있겠죠~ 그래서 카레를 땡길 때마다 홍대 카레오로 찾으러 갑니다!
카레오와 다른 카레집의 다른 점은 보통 달달한 카레와 달리 일본카레라 약간 더 매콤하고 스파이스의 맛이 조금 더 강합니다~ 카레 꼽빼기 하나만 시켜도 2사람 먹기엔 녹녹합니다~ 나누면 생각보다 가격이 되게 착해요!
here’s an ugly picture of myself =D. I was extra hungry because I spent hours biking before that.
자전거 배운 후에 머리가 엉망진창이네요 @@.
this is the shop you shall look out for!!!
카레오의 정문! 가게가 아주 크지 않기 때문에 테이블도 별로 없어요 ㅠ. 바쁜 시간에 오면 조금만 기다릴 수도 있겠지만 평소엔 2 사람 자리 잡기는 힘들지 않아요~
there were many many many Maneki Neko’s here. the boss claimed that it really does bring in business!
눈 깜빡하는 마네키네코 본적 있어요? 엄청 귀여웠어요! ㅋㅋㅋ 마네키네코 많은 이유가 운이 정말로 데리고 온다고 들었어요~
and more nekos. we can also see that the boss is a big fan of baseball! I scribbled on the wall (post-it) too! if you can find it… take a picture and post it on instagram and tag me =P.
안 쪽도 마네키네코!!! 사장님이 야구도 좋아하시나봐요. 벽은 주로 미술학 공부하는 손님들이 포스트잇으로 꾸몄습니다~ 제가 쓴 포스트잇도 있어요!
they say that these naked babies bring happiness. mmmhmmm.
야하게 생긴 이 귀여운 아이들… ㅋㅋㅋ
the ultimate collection of Doraemon!
okay lets talk about the food finally hehe.
도래몽도 많았습니다!
I am not a big fan of that yellow stuff there called 단무지 because it’s normally thick and it tastes weird but here.. it has a sour taste to it which I really like and it’s sliced thinly the way I like it!
단무지를 별로 좋아하지 않지 않지만 여기의 단무지는 얇게 설고 씨콤하고 완전 좋아함!
our curry rice!!! MMMMMMM. look at that generous amount of curry sauce!
엄청 맛있어 보이는 카레!
there are quite a variety of toppings to choose from from donkatsu to prawns but I always go for my favourite ham and cheese because I love cheese like that. they also have fried cheese fingers (super thick!!! but it feels fattening at the same time. very sinful.) and cheese toppings if you like.
저는 보통 햄과치즈 튀김은 토핑으로 추가한데 다양한 토핑 있습니다~ 새우튀김이나 돈까스 다 있어요! 치즈토핑도 있어요! 그것도 맛있었요~!
the fillings? JUST CHEESE. a huge slab of mozzarella (I think) cheese.
여건 치즈튀김입니다~ 모자렐라 치즈 녹녹하게 줬슴!! 치즈 좋아하면 이건 시켜도 좋습니다만 저같이 살 빼야돼는 여자들은.. 피해야죠… ㅠㅠ.
not to be missed out in your curry should be this.. MAGIC SPICE!!! it does not only make the curry spicier but it adds a lot more flavour to it! =3.
카레오 제일 특별한 점은 매직스파이스이라고 생각합니다!!! 좋아하는 매운 정도로 저절할 수 있게~ 고소하고 정말 맛있어요! 이것은 카레의 필수!!!
the method to eat the curry deliciously:
don’t mix the rice with the curry all together. instead, eat it by mixing the curry with the cabbage and rice bit by bit!
맛있게 먹는 법~ 한꺼번에 비비지말구 조금씩 비벼가면서 드세요 ㅋㅋㅋ
just to show you how big the portion was.
양이 정말 크죠?!
the famous moving Simpson clock in Kareo. not only the curry here’s delicious, there are really a lot to see, the post its, the quaint decorations and all. including the handsome boss and pretty and handsome staff =P.
so if you’re in Hongdae and you’re craving for some good curry, I highly recommend Kareo! =3.
here’s the directions from Hongik Univ. Station Exit 9! it’s at the left side of Hongik Univ if you’re facing the Univ. it isn’t as far as it looks!
홍익대 근처에 있어서 찾기 쉽습니다~
kareo ~~ omg how i miss the delicious thick and not sweet curry along with the “sambal” on the side kick u off the roof pedas hahahaha…..
Hi Jamie I’m a silent reader of yours for sometime. I check your blog out once awhile and spend hours reading the posts that I’ve missed. Just dropping by to say please continue to write eventhough I will not be visiting Korea/Japan anytime soon due to financial reason but I simply enjoy reading your blog, blog like this is getting lesser and lesser, getting bored of blogs filled with too many sponsors/advert posts (a little is okay!) Please continue to do photoshoot too, always so prettyyyy! P/S: I’m a girl :p