so not too long ago, I went to Sheraton to try that very unique looking tea set of theirs. since the.. name of the hotel is D-cube, the tea set’s pretty cubical and because it’s December, I get to order the CHRISTMAS SET!!!
I have never actually been high-tea-ing before because I am a cheapskate like that. but.. Sheraton’s prices is pretty reasonable. one glass of drink there would probably cost around 13,000won to 15,000won already but the tea set + the tea’s 17,500won. still pretty expensive I know T_T. but I guess it’s worth the experience!
when we arrived, the place was already full and we had to wait for a place. and for just 2 of us, they gave us a 6 person seat hahaha.
next to this view. not the most attractive view since Sheraton is at Sindorim. weird. but still a view!
some students went there all by themselves devouring the tea set while enjoying the view/ doing their assignments. ahhaha. but that’s how the window seat looked like.
hello! =D.
we were given a choice of tea, coffee or tea cocktails to choose from. wait what? tea cocktail?
tea cocktail please!!!
it turned out to be yummy and the flower in it is edible @@. tastes like.. paper though. well maybe not since I felt it tasteless.
using TJ’s awesome camera to selca. good quality, beautifies your skin yet so compact!!!
T_T. TJ, my HK/UK friend whom has been here for a few years is finally leaving =(. now who am I supposed to speak Cantonese to?!
and Sheraton Hotel’s Christmas tea set!!!
another view. super pretty no?
but since it’s my first (I think. I might’ve had it very long ago when I was younger and not remember hahaha) time, I’ll talk a little bit more in detail about it.
so according to TJ, the one who grew up UK where high tea is absolutely normal, you should eat it from the bottom to up. or, from salty to sweet. or very sweet. haha. at the bottom most, we have a…bread with ham and berries D=. weird combination but it was actually pretty good.
then something that to me, taste like a raisin scone.
I haven’t had too many macarons in my life. but this was definitely one of the best. highly recommended. who would’ve guessed that the filling is actually salty?! it’s blue cheese macaron! a little pungent but absolutely delectable!
this was the worse of them all. I think it’s.. grapefruit jelly. but the combination wasn’t good. at all =S.
I LOVED the creme brulee. it’s very creamy and I think there’s blue cheese in it too!
and the top deck there’s this… super sweet but delicious white chocolate ball I had troubles figuring how to eat.
so you crack it open and there are more treats! JELLY BEANS!!!
quaint and yummy cake pieces.
Merry (early) Christmas!
this was amongst the bottom part. that’s dried baby squid on.. squid crackers and that salmon with yuja was absolutely delicious D=.
it isn’t a lot so one set per person will be just nice!
잘 먹겠습니다! jal meokggesseumnida!!!
overall taste was… 7/10. it wasn’t phenomenal or anything but because it looked so attractive and pretty. and some of it WAS really pretty good. I’d say, go give it a try if you have excess time to spare!
*I’m really lazy to put on watermarks on this post. having exams soon so.. no post till 17th probably. sorry T_T. not sure when to be honest.. but I shall fight for my exam! picture courtesy of TJ Lau.