so for Halloween this year, I fortunately followed my friends to Universal Studios Japan and I am glad I spent my Halloween in Japan. I was never too interested in going clubbing dressing like a zombie or vampire or something but this time, I have to say, I REALLY enjoyed myself.
so on the way to USJ, I ran into IRONMAN! and Pepper. his arm and leg gear was so good he deserves a trophy really. and the girl’s hair was so…….. glam. I am pretty sure she dyed her hair for this special occasion!
look who joined me in my adventure?! MEGUMI! ^^. she flew from Fukuoka just to meet me here ngawwwww <3.
역시 내 베프! 사랑해~ <3.
guess what pose this is?
anyways, shall the costume hunt begin? let’s start!
and the best costume award goes to……… JOKER! his attire + make up was good enough. and even his hair! I thought he was Heath Ledger for a while @@. he had his hair permed and dyed to green. and that girl had really realistic looking scars all over her face. I was gobsmacked by their effort. really.
GIRLS WILL SAVE THE WORLD! SAILORRRRRRR MOON! my favourite anime since I was young hahaha. don’t judge. >_>.
and the hottest zombies I’ve ever met.
meet my new boyfriends =D. our clothing was so matching! hehehehe.
Megumi didn’t have a costume so here’s a furry bear hat!
say cheese! Harry Potter tie!!! super expensive T___T.
sexy cops?
냥냥~ cat women and… jail breakers? haha.
HELLO! I am a Pirate by the way. PIRATE. NOT A BEER GIRL. pfft.
hello Mr. Pumpkin!
PIKACHU!!!!! so hardcore D=. all the Rs.
and the Mario girls.
the brides and the.. nurse? hmm.
cadets and the SWAT team!
the rainbow girl. I really respect this girl for her effort. her whole dress is MADE for USJ. Jaws, Spiderman. sickkkk.
the pretty zombie jail breakers =P.
and more cosplayers. how do they ride on rides I wonder hmmmm.
I don’t know if they are cute or just… hahahaha. cookie monsters for you!
when people say Japan is filled with weird people, I guess they are right. and I like it because of that. despite being older, people in Japan do not fear to dress however they want. and I think such a value should be implemented in people all over the world. check out that Hogwarts Kitty.
I would also like to believe that these are drewn on by themselves. such art skills. it was literally perfectly drawn on.
more rainbow girls. I don’t know what they are trying to be but okay D=. errrrrrr clowns perhaps?!
oh hello =D.
the Halloween street! haha. actually the whole place’s pretty much decorated. not only in USJ. everywhere. I want to steal those inflatable pumpkins pfft they were so cute. not in the picture though sorry hehehehe. you’ll have to use your imagination =P.
KYAAAAAAAAAAAAA~ <3!!! the cookie monsters eyes!!!!!!! win me some please? D=. I would be really grateful. I REALLY WANT IT. >=D.
and errrr……. the scary version of cookie monster. an Ajosshi was actually holding it. I ampretty sure he made it on his own. gruesome much? =S. but everyone looked at it. which means, he succeeded hahahaha.
after a few rides, we came out and saw the field in USJ filled with… zombies locked inside. a FIELD of zombies. D=. waiting to be released!!!!
look how many zombies there was! they are the ones employed by USJ by the way. hahaha.the zombies are actually barely visible because a hoard of people flocked around them to take pictures of them.
and the moment arrived….. they let the zombies freeeeee and the USJ Halloween Horror Night started.
there was also shows here and there and damn it was pretty darn amazing. it was so real we all had our teeth cringed. and as a kind and nice blogger, here’s a video I took! my arms gained some muscle for holding it up for so long lol.
if you look at the video, you might not see it but they actually strangled the victim and the victim even spit out water like fountain at some point hahaha. and at the very end, I shut the camera because the biggest, angriest, meanest looking zombie with a chainsaw came running towards us T_____T. I ran as quick as possible of course!
I PERSONALLY believe that they gave their best performance because it was the last night and also the main day.
SWAT teams not really guarding them well!!!
AHHHH. ugly face hahaha.
thank you for coming <3. definitely had fun <3 <3.
what these zombies actually do is that they’ll just appear beside or behind you where they’ll suddenly yell and scream and scare the crap out of you. ><.
this was actually one of the starting show where they danced to MJ’s Thriller!
and here’s the video! =3.
I promise they look much scarier and more realistic without flash.
and those lenses really do freak people out!
the atmosphere at night’s actually cooler.
and another Thriller performance in the middle. I spent 2 hours lining up for another ride and when I was lining up I saw smoke appearing after bombing sounds here and there which was really cool. they have performances ALL OVER so be ready to spend your whole night there!
I got really tired by 8 and I NEED to leave. by the time I got out it was already 9 though =S.
thank you Japan for such a memorable Halloween experience and USJ of course for making it even more fun. also, 사진 많이 찍어줘서 고마워 메구미~ <3.
verdict? GO TO JAPAN IF YOU CAN DURING HALLOWEEN! you’ll enjoy it for sure, especially in USJ =D. the horror night was crazy. another tip would be to go there early (as soon as the gate opens. check the website for the time as they differ everyday) so that you’d finish riding half of all the rides before the queues get 2 hours long. and 4 hours long for the Harry Potter ride so HEAD THERE AS SOON AS THEY OPEN! they also limit people going into the Harry Potter quarters so remember to take your ticket (it was at some garden nearby) to secure your entry (there will be a time frame for when you can enter and you can stay there as long as you want. they do this to limit the people inside).
the ticket was close to 7,000yen now (raised price wth) but I bought it from a Korean tour agency and got 500yen discount + an adapter and pocket for passport and documents haha. it’s definitely ridiculous on how expensive the ticket was and not to mention the food was horribly expensive as well.. I spent around 1,500yen for food (lunch) and starved all the way until I got back to where I stayed pfft. everything looked super appealing but I didn’t buy any T____T. I can’t wait until I get a job and earn stable income >=(. I was already going out of my budget coming here but oh well.. money well spent pfft.
AND, for those who are not in Asia, going to USJ Hollywood might be an even better choice but I guess the difference would be less people dress up for Halloween but I bet they have better shows and horror houses etc. =D. I’m just lucky to have Japan as my neighbouring country so.. heh.
it’s my 2nd time in USJ and I haven’t even blogged about my first experience. I just had too much pictures. I will blog about USJ in detail sometime later!
so long for now!
Just wondering, how do you travel to and from Japan so often? I tried looking for cheaper flights between Tokyo and Seoul but most still cost around 45000yen for a return ticket.
Did you fly to Tokyo from Seoul before? Apart from Peach, Eastarjet and jejuair, any idea what budget airlines that flies to Tokyo? International airlines is quite expensive =\
Hi~ Did you fly to Tokyo from Seoul before? Apart from Peach, Eastarjet and jejuair, any idea what budget airlines that flies to Tokyo? International airlines is quite expensive =\
Hi, Jamie.. what’s the name of hair dye that you used in here? the color is really pretty. suit u really well. thx 🙂
Hi, Jamie.. what’s the name of product and color of hair dye that you used in here? the color is really pretty. suit u really well. thx 🙂
Hi Jamie! Where did you get your costume? You looked stunning! x