it was so long ago but here it is! I really liked the first picture as it is very… feelful. haha. made up a word again it seems =D. this batch was taken by Azri (again!) and I have to say good job. his new tilt shift lens was indeed very hard to use but at least it managed to snap this one clear and awesome picture =3.
it is actually a candid shot since I was waiting for the restroom wth.
nicer placement of hands but I’m not in focus T_T.
everybody’s favourite picture hahaha.
very pretty jamie =) n nice photo skilled!
U look pretty Jamie!
Where is your cardigan from, it’s so pretty! 🙂
Also, I love your blogg!
Am from Malaysia too! 🙂
seems like ur best look is the “i need to pee” look?
heheh kidding kidding 😛
..are you an aspiring model jamie..??? hahahahaha… some talent scout might see this and hire you as a model.. 😀
nice pics!!!!
just trying to remove comment reply email cos the link doesn’t workkkk