have heard a lot about this yearly concert. but Akaraka is not just a concert name but actually the name of the team that cheers for Yonsei. Akaraka is also like a festival in Yonsei where every faculty does something and sell along that longgggggggggg Yonsei road. from morning till night. at night, it kind of becomes an alcoholic place. but I will talk about that later, for now, lets focus on the concert!

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sadly to say that for outsiders and students in the Language School it is almost impossible to join just like that unless you join a certain club for foreigners in the Global Lounge called “Mentors Club” where all foreigners gather. so everyone could speak very good english, shouldn’t be a problem =D. if not, you can see who wants to sell theirs. 1 Yonsei student can only buy 1. but not everyone wants to go. some have class, some are just sick of it already.

but since I’m new, I still wanted to go! =D.

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I thought the line was long. until I had to continue walking for extra 5 minutes until I see the end. no joke.

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Yonseians would all wear blue. and if you see these RED ones. you know they are from Korea Univ. and is here to disturb us hahaha. it’s fun. =D.

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the blue sea of people! this is not a stadium. it’s just our Univ haha.

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even the stage has a Y on it!

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meet Andre from Brazil! =D.

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and meet Jamie from Malaysia! *coughs* you can get these towels for free if you arrive real early haha. I got there right after my cooking class at 3.30 and it was all given out already. so you should know what to do hahaha.

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Keat Min also from Malaysia! he’s super boring pfft. everyone was having fun dancing he’s just standing there haha.

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the epic organizers. I’ve never seen any organizers more epic than them. their dance. gosh. they can go on and on! I really wonder if they get tired. madness. he can bend his waist back like 45 degrees or more.

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>_>. my hamsup face wth. neh I was just looking at his camera!

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another epic pose.

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you would be surprised when you see how uniform everyone is at dancing and also how they unite to make Akaraka a success. EVERYONE is sporting.

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one of the dances haha. there were like 30 songs for Akaraka I swear!

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dance dance dance and there will be group hugs. it is like this ALL OVER THE PLACE. D=!!

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and let the concert begin!

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it started with singers I’ve never ever heard of but the crowd was going super crazy so I assume they are all very famous in Korea. either that or they are just crazy for the sake of being crazy.

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benchigi! 배치기 have this song that goes “du mari~” that’s really famous here. hadn’t noticed until I heard them sing live and I started recognizing their song where ever I go! their songs are really fast and the rap is hard but some people could just sing it word for word! well if they can do this for benchigi, you should know that no doubt they can sing along to most of the songs performed by the performers that night.

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and Psy (shortcut for Psycho I think. he ain’t that much of a Psycho though. instead, a gag man I guess). apparently not that nice off stage but I heard he used to be a Yonsei student. he’s pretty old but is very famous for concerts!

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don’t remember her name but a member of SES. I am pretty disappointed to see how sexy she dresses anyway since I’ve always portrayed SES to be a very “goodie girl” group. and her top that night was probably revealing 1/3 of her boobs =S. she was probably the least popular. it isn’t that her songs wasn’t nice. but it wasn’t very concert-feel.

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the guy who admits he brings corruption to the stage. by drinking Soju! Kim Jang Hoon 김장훈. he is awesomely awesome. no kidding. unlike other singers who are obviously putting on a fake image on the stage, he’s really real. singing and dancing while being drunk on soju. how cool is that?!

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even sexy gay dances with his dancers tsk tsk.

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then someone proposed on the stage. wth I wish that I could have something similar though I am quite sure I’m gonna cover my face throughout my time being on the stage.

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and one of my favourite artist of the night, Kim Tae Woo. he kind of reminds me of Ah Beng (Lum Tak Wing) from Malaysia hahahaha. oh well, if you don’t know who he is, you should know Sarang Bi/Love Rain. a very famous song of his.

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and the NEXT group that I went crazy over. LeeSsang. I prefer them over SNSD. sorry =P. though their famous song, “turned off the TV” is a very horny song pfft. it’s practically all about the guy wanting to make love with his gf who doesn’t want to. pffffffffft.

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then there was SNSD! they formed a subgroup. I don’t know much about SNSD but all I know is SeoHyun is in it. 3 of them have really good voices. something like Super Junior KRY where they put the 3 best voices together =P.

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don’t know who this is either T_T.

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and here’s SeoHyun! now I can tell people “SNSD CAME TO MY UNIVERSITY!”


but I am more proud to say that Hyun Bin came to my University! which is true. that’s Hyun Bin on the right!!

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ends with fireworks! at least I thought it ended. but I was wrong.

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the organizers came out again wearing funny english costumes and started dancing funnily hahahaha. and everyone started following and we kept dancing until 10pm. D=. there were like 30+songs. each song was barely 2 minutes so.

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I think these organizers have a much more grand ending compared to all the other Kpop stars.

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epic poses. seriously!

and here’s two videos for you to get a picture on how mad the crowd is hehe. the kpop ones are kind of boring to see from my phone’s camera and you can search clearer ones on youtube so I shall not upload them here.

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12 years ago

haha! I was stalking your blog checking to see if you will update and here you are!

When I went to Yonsei (just to visit :D), I was able to go to this stadium. It was empty when we went there so it’s quite awesome to see it full of people. 😀 Maybe I can post those pictures one of these days in my blog but just like you, I’m busy studying too. T_T But you still have time to blog so I salute you. 😀

Btw, the group from SNSD that performed was Taetiseo, meaning Taeyeon, Tiffany and Seo Hyun. Like you, I don’t really prefer SNSD too but I like Tae Yeon because she has a nice voice. I still stick to what I believe that singers should be able to sing. hahaha! So how did the boys react to their performance?

Thanks for this post.

Da Feng
Da Feng
12 years ago

finally you see actor by your own eyes since you arrived at South Korea for second time. I jealous of you. I just kidding. I prefer to see SNSD with Im Yoona than SNSD without her.

12 years ago

Since u mentioned it Kim Taewoo really reming me of Ah Beng(Jack Lim) too. But Kim Taewoo is far more better in singing^^ and very much taller plus handsome too.

12 years ago

waaaahhhh. the concert is all too crazy!! :O

12 years ago

I love Hyun Bin!!! Omg secret garden kdrama and my name is kim samsoon:)

12 years ago

Snsd is very famous and has the most fans like bigbang. They have nice voice

12 years ago

OMG! really envy betul! even SNSD and Hyun Bin came to ur uni before! Awesome betul! 😀

12 years ago

Jamie you are soooo damn lucky…..