a placement test isa test which you take to see which level you get on. in Yonsei, similar to any University that offers Korean Language is divided to 6 levels which follows the TOPIK leveling system. but there is also a 8 level course designed specifically for native English speakers. but that would take 6 months more to complete where the usual one only requires 1 year and a half to finish.
the Yonsei Korean Language Institude (KLI) building is located pretty far from the main entrance which actually took me about 25minutes to arrive pfft. upon reaching the KLI there were many people (around 400 people wth) gathering at the entrance of the auditorium where there were a little speech in Korean, English, Japanese and Chinese. was really happy that I could understand almost everything she said!
we were told that we will receive a small piece of paper later stating which classes we should go to for our placement test and that the test is divided to two sections, 말하기 and 쓰기. which means speaking and writing. also, for those have no background in Korean at all should stay in the auditorium and also those who have only learned it for 2-3months because according to the teacher Yonsei’s language standards are higher than usual Universities.
there was a funny part when the lady who was giving a speech said ” for those who does not understand Korean AT ALL, please stay in the auditorium” except she said it in KOREAN. hahahahahahhaahah. so for those who understood what she said, we all laughed. =P. even that serious looking lady giggled at herself.
the paper was 13 pages long. the first page is…….. super duper uber easy. I think I could complete the first page correctly with just 1 month worth of Korean knowledge. 2nd page is easy too, but a little deeper. then there comes the 3rd and 4th page which was pretty alright and 5th page is more tricky. 6th.. I only did half. the rest was beyond my understandings so I left it blank. the teacher did say if you only want to skip 1 level you can complete just the first 2 pages. hahaha. but judging I did until 6 I consider myself pretty hardcore. =D.
as for the interview (speaking), she would firstly ask questions which are simpler like what’s your name where you come from.. followed by questions like ” if I were to go to Malaysia, can you introduce me places to go to and why?” and “what’s nice to eat there?” and then she will hand over a cue card depending on which level she think you are at and she tells you to explain through there. I am very weak in my speaking grammar so I am not really sure if I can get into level 3 but she said I’ll either get into level 2 or 3 depending on my written test =D. I only took classes until half of what I think should be level 2 so I am okay with both results. but of course, I hope to skip to level 3! save a lot of kaching kaching. =D. also, the interviewer thought I was Korean until she saw my name “your name is.. weird.” “I’m Chinese. =D” “oh! I thought you’re Korean.” ahahhahaha. everytime.
the orientation session will be on Friday (super excited!) and earlier when I was in the auditorium, I met a friendly guy, Hugo who was from Brazil, but Korean. you call Koreans who’ve migrated overseas 교포 Gyopo. he was keeping me in company throughout the whole session there until we got our classroom number (which was in random order) and got into different classes, I was the first to enter the class so I picked a corner and after a few people came in, there came this young Korean girl, Margaret. when she looked my way, I smiled and she came to sit next to me and we became instant friends! =D. I was gobsmacked because she told me she’s from Brazil as well. I mean, how many Koreans will you come by that come from Brazil. especially those 2 were the only people I know on my first day here. she was also shocked when I told her the friend I made earlier came from Brazil as well and is also Korean. at first I thought they might know each other. but she had no idea. haha.
was lazy to curl my frizzy hair so I simply just braid it up and since the hairband I bought is in a neon turquoise, I used a gift box string to wrap around it wth.
*lower quality pictures are taken with my phone because I forgot to bring my DLSR pfft.
welcome to Yonsei University!
it’s so Hogwarts. well, only 2 parts of the school looks like this. hahaha.
FINALLY GOT MY PHONE! thank goodness my phone is unlocked (not such a bad thing for not buying with a plan after all) and is usable here which means I do not have to spend money to get a phone which is cute but has no smartphone functions. for friends who want my number please message me via facebook or send me an e-mail =).
I applied for the prepaid because all I want to do is send SMSes and ask people where are they etc. it requires you to have an Alien Registration Card/Passport. it’s quite troublesome to get it, so I only recommend this method to travellers who are staying for more than a month. if not, just rent a phone at the airport with an expensive deposit or you can let them photostat your credit card =).
saw this guy “sun bathing” in Yonsei earlier haha. I bet he is one of those who studies very hard until he have to sleep here =S.
and the rest are just random photos from my daily life here :
Sausalito Milk Chocolate Macadamia Biscuits. the chocolate chunks are awesome. but the biscuits are a little too buttery for me.
there’s this sweet shop in COEX that sells sweets and cookies from all over the world (was very shocked to see a few Malaysian snacks where I later found out that it’s made in Indo wth.) and this Sausalito biscuit are sold at certain convenient stores which cost 6,000won. at that sweet shop in COEX, it’s only 3,500won! still expensive for me but that’s a bargain! worth a try, right?
if you’re a cheapskate like me and is staying in Korea. please explore Daiso because it’s like the life saver of mine. you can get similar stuffs in many shops but in Daiso? most things are 1,000won. and they make everything 2,000won feel expensive. pfft. that coat roller thing is VERY VERY VERY important because it’s bloody dusty in Korea. eventhough your windows and doors are shut, the dust just piles up on your bed. so be sure to get that. same goes for the duster. I use that as a broom wth. I’m truly a hardcore cheapskate hahaha.
and as you can see, that basket is for your bathing necessities. in Korea, if you leave your soap/shampoo in the bath, people will just use it. with NO MERCY PFFT. and a bottle of bloody shampoo costs at least double of the normal priced shampoo in KL. it’s mad I tell you. usual priced shampoo can cost you RM50. but of course, I opted for the cheaper ones. which are still expensive.
the day I thought it would snow but it didn’t. but at least my phone snowed a bit *sniff*.
just in case you were wondering what I eat here everyday. the ajumma cooks well! so I am eating a lot of rice everyday. JUST LOOK AT THE AMOUNT OF RICE! there’s even curry on one day! yum. but curries here are sweet and.. not really spicy.
setting up a bank account in Korea is really quick and easy. I did mine at Woori Bank Yonsei Campus because I heard if you go other places they would require you to provide them your Alien Registration Card. but since Yonsei have been dealing with thousands of foreigners each year, their bank suits us students the most.
and look! there are butterflies on the bank book! (that’s literally what I said when I got the bank book. my mom too when I showed her wth. like mother like daughter.)
annyeong~! 안녕~!
meet Tokki 토끼. it means rabbit. it’s long, maroon and has a ribbon on it’s head. use it as a pillow/bolster. because it’s really huge, so sometimes I just sit on the wall with it because my single pillow couldn’t do so.
this is the pathway to the subway station in Incheon Airport. pretty yes?
and the most famous view of Incheon Airport. the picture that is frequently used whenever they say that Incheon Airport is world’s NO.1 airport. =D. and that is the subway station on the left!
awesome thing is what all of them were playing with their phones. some watching TV, some playing games, some just sms-ing. that one uncle in the middle was on his phone!! right before I snap the picture pfft.
the eyes tell you its evil. at the Hongdae Toms Cat Cafe. apparently those with the blue scarf might scratch because they are “sensitive”. =P.
I slept on warm ondol flooring the Korean way the first night I arrived here! thank you Ailing! it was really comfortable albeit on the floor. especially when the weather is so darn cold.
and she has 4 pomeranians. super active. the most active dogs I’ve ever seen. I’ll video a shortclip of it when I visit her again. haha.
Haha you will meet more Brazillian Koreans. There are alllllloooooooot of them 😉 their characteristics are quite similiar so you will tell them apart in no time.
Thank you for such an informative post! I hope you get into level 3! Share with us the good news k!
I am a little tempted to go for their summer special class since its pretty affordable. Hehe the only thing is I really hate the hot weather -.-
Are you staying in the dorm now or still with your friend?
Are there any prepaid cards that have internet access as well? I’ll be visiting Korea for 2 wks.
Jamie very nice to see that you are in korea studying korean but just a quick question from me what is actually show on ur phone ? with the network signal R ?
Hi Jamie, may I know if you are staying in a hasukjib? I am going to Yonsei for their summer regular program and is looking for a hasukjib. Not much information where I can reserve a hasukjib online before going. Thanks in advance
Thanks for your reply on the smartphone. Will check it out at Seoul airport once I arrive. Will it usually rain in July? Heard that it is not a really good time to go then:(
Hi Jamie, I’ll be going to Severance Hospital near Yonsei Uni for a one-month attachment. I read from the above posts that you’re staying in a hasukjib. I’m interested in staying in a hasukjib, and am also looking for one near the hospital/uni. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks in advance!
Hi Jamie,
i’ve read quite a few post about Yonsei from ur blog and its really informative. Thanks for tt.
Anyway i’m goin to Yonsei for the upcoming summer program for about 1 mth plus. can i know more about the application of the woori bank account in Yonsei? what are the necessary docs they need and where to get the Alien Registration Card? and are the people in the bank able to understand some english, as i do not speak korean.
thanks in advance.
Hey Jamie(lol, my name is Jamie too),
I will be going to Yonsei this Fall and I am interested to stay in hasookjib too. Do you have any contact information or websites where I can get hasookjib informations?
Thank you so much!
Hi Jamie,
you blog is pretty informative! thank goodness I come across your blog! there’s delay in my registering for on campus housing, so now I have to look for off-campus housing. can I ask the area you stayed? I barely speak any Korean, so looking for hasukjib will be a huge task to me. How long did it take you to look for one? how did u negotiate? Something i need to remember to sign a contract or whatever? Do they take deposit in cash or how does it work? Sorry with so many questions, i am just so worried about this whole housing thing! I really appreciate your time telling all these thing;)
Really glad I stumbled across your blog! I’m one of the super Korean fanatic person..hehe..dun even know if that’s a word! =P Anyway it’s really glad to have read your blog on life there! I wish I had a chance to study there as well when I’m younger (not to say I’m damn old right now..lol)! Been stuck in Msia sucks big time! Especially after I had my fair chance to visit Seoul for a week this year! =)
Good job with your blog & studies there! 바이팅~! ♥
Hi, I am going to Seoul next year to study Korean too for a year.
May I know which hasukjib you are staying at ?!
Thank you.
Hi! Am going to yonsei next yr in spring sem and would prefer to stay in a hasukjib 🙂 May I know which one you stayed at? Also, did you get to know the ppl in your hasuk? ^^
Hi Jamie, may I know which Korean language centre you studied at in Malaysia? Also the level you studied until before going to Korea to further your Korean studies? It’s nice reading your blog! Interesting and informative 🙂
Hello, thank you so much for your blog! It’s so helpful! 🙂 How did you find your hasukjib? Did you look online?
how did got into yonsei uni? im currently staying in geochang(far from seoul btw) and learned korean language for a year, though my level is not the high i’m currently studying my major together with koreans. what are the requirements to enter yonsei uni’s KLI?
Just found this blog, it’s great. I know this post is old, and you said you completed the program and looks like you are now a fulltime university student in korea, so i was wondering why you didn’t do the university korean program which i think focuses on TOPIK instead of the regular program ? I am very new to korean language but am looking at both programs for next january. thanks
Yes I was wondering too. Cus I heard that it’s difficult even for the 4h a day regular class. But the person advised me to take the university prog (7h a day) if I wanna take topik. I mean topik is my main goal but I wanna go to Korea to see Korea too, at least once a week or have excursions once a term or something. If you could tell me what the failure rate is like for the university program, it’d hellp me greatly in making a decision.
May I ask how did you find out which room you are in for your placement test?
Did you have to go to the office in the morning?
Hi, are you from malaysian?
can u teach me how to apply the yonsei university if we are malaysian?
Hi, I am Chloe from Malaysia.
Where did you buy your phone without a plan? Does it expensive?
Did you buy the olleh prepaid on your own? Because I read the condition to buy the olleh service, there mention minor below 20 need to present at the kt retailer with a legal representative.
Hi Jamie, your post is really informative! I’m actually looking for place to stay nearby Yonsei. Do you still have their details? For the haseokjib? Thank you!
Hi! Im a 17 years old malaysian. At least how many A’s do we need to enter yonsei? Do we need to be interviewed to be accepted as a yonsei student?
Thankyou very much !! ^^