this is I think the first time I am blogging without actually taking a picture with it myself. my sister bought a voucher online and suggested we come try out this frozen yoghurt ice cream after dinner and we did.
and to my surprise, I DID NOT KNOW THAT KL CITY WALK ACTUALLY EXISTED. in fact, I don’t think many of us fellow Malaysians actually know about the existance of this street. it’s walking distance from KLCC. the stretch opposite modesto’s and a whole lot of clubs.
back to the delicious frozen Yoghurt, it’s been quite a long time since I actually tasted ice cream this fine. there was the awesome Kindori in Pavilion/Times Square serving a small cup for around RM8 but it was really not enough. either I am a huge eater or it’s really not enough. given the price, I’d pick 9berries over it a thousand times.
but of course, the location right? well, IT IS OKAY I THINK I’D RATHER WALK 1KM TO SAVE THE FEW BUCKS.
the interior is very korean-like. well, it’s opened by a friendly Korean couple anyway. it looks like you’ve stepped to a cafe in Seoul, really.
9berries serve in a few different sizes, 3 sizes to be accurate. whatever it is, go for the hugest size. you may mix flavours. it’s JUST ENOUGH really. do not share. if not you’d end up walking back to buy another large cup. like how we did. my sis only have one voucher for a large. and we ended up walking all the way back again to get extra 2 large cups.
they come in 5 flavours (4 at a time), original, strawberry, mango, green tea and BLUEBERRY. my sis actually tried everything before, she said blueberry is the best. which I’d have to agree. yoghurt are meant to be sour!! they taste better like that.
on top of those yummy frozen yoghurt, you can pick one fruit topping. and YOU CAN ADD AS MUCH NON-FRUIT TOPPINGS AS YOU LIKE. there are a few choices on the side of the counter like cornflakes, oatflakes?, marshmallows, raisins and BEBOLA MILO!! my favourite are the oatflakes, while my sister loves the bebola milo and the MARSHMALLOWS. I didn’t get to try the marshmallows because they did not have it at that time.
like I said, only 4 flavours a day. IF THERE’S BLUEBERRY, PICK BLUEBERRY. if not, just go with strawberry. it’s still berry =D.
very easy to find, attractive and comfortable. reasonably priced for the HUGE CUP! only RM9.90 for THE BLOODY HUGEST CUP.
acually, I DO HAVE A PICTURE. just for you to see how huge it is. my hands aren’t small.
TADA! half eaten already but yeah, BLOODY HUGE!
just so you know, I am not being paid. it was just so good, I HAD TO SHARE ABOUT THIS. it’s because nobody knows about the existance of that area yet and perhaps nobody will actually know about it in the next few years =S. but let me tell you, this 9berries brought me total bliss. and I believe it will bring the same to you if you like ice cream. best of all? it didn’t feel sinful at all!
for all the information you need, map, tel… : http://www.9berries.com