FUH. finally I had access to my blog. T_T. sorry I guess it was server maintenance! anyways! MTV WORLDSTAGE was last Sunday. sucks to be you if you’ve missed it =P. but you still haven’t missed your chance to experience MTV WORLDSTAGE ON TV!! it’s recorded in 3D by the way and it’ll be played on Aug 8th at MIDNIGHT!
Natelie! <3. it was really sunny that day and we were there at.. 3? U_U. it’s a wonder why are we not roasted yet. hurr look at Nat’s sun burnt arm T_T.
since Xpax is the main sponsor, we got into the X-Zone! and really, we were RIGHT IN FRONT. such a satisfying view. and did you know, Xpax brought MTV WORLDSTAGE to Malaysia for the 3rd time! and I hope it’ll be here every year too! because MALAYSIAN HAVE THE BEST FANS!
Alyn! our friends snatched EXPRESS lane passes from UTT! you heard me. DIRECTLY FROM UTT.
VJ UTT and Holly!
the reason why I am so.. obsessed with Utt is mainly because he’s one of the first few idols I’ve ever had! since I started watching MTV (around.. 9? or 10?) I started stalking Utt already. so mesmerized by his cute boyish looks. I’ve always wondered when will I have the chance to meet him in real life so I can marry him wth.
well, I don’t think I still want to marry him but I still love him! it’s my second time seeing him but it’s my first time seeing him so CLOSE!! so jealous of my friend she touched him!! *screams like a fan*
he’s really really really good looking *melts*
it was after the first performance where I noticed the beauty of i-City. initially I don’t understand what’s all the fuss about.. fake autumn trees. but when it’s lit, it’s really really beautiful. and the amount of trees are abundant! must visit!
the first performer! our very own Malaysian POP SHUVIT! and this guy’s has the real IDOL feel in him! he developed his own style IMO and I absolutely love it. that’s how Malaysian bands should be! creating their own style!
something to be proud of is that they are INTERNATIONAL LEVEL! famous even in Japan! and guess what, they sing Malay songs. MALAYSIAN PRIDE!
BEAST!!! as all of you might know, I am biased. I love Beast like I love Utt. D=. so I squeezed my way through to the front even though I was actually very near already! (but was later behind when the other 2 groups favoured by this bunch of males came T_T. those mad male fans squeezed their way to the front too! hehehe.)
ooOOooOOoohhHh, 3 of them were sleeveless =P. showing off their amazingly toned arms <3 <3.
my 3 favourite members! (biased in everything! sigh.) and that’s Gi Kwang, Dong Woon and Doo Joon!
Gi Kwangs arms made my guy friend’s drool that night =P.
they performed so well that night. their fans were abundant. initially I thought that their fans filled up 50% of the place since I was in front and everybody seems to be supporting them the most! but little did I know, the fans were really considerate. the others (usually guys haha) who favoured the others more actually gave way to the Beast fan’s (me!) and later came back to claim their places back when their favourite band is out!
AHHh!! MY FAVOURITE DOO JOON! <3. oh do you remember the picture of him peace-ing to my camera? =D.
like… THIS? HEHEHEE. you can stalk other pictures of him/them on the “Idolism” category ^__^v.
after Beast we were literally dying out of thirst (didn’t drink since 3pm!!!) and so we went out to buy drinks =D.
the girl whose face was in the middle of Utt and Holly stood beside me. D=. WHYYY!!!
Utt and Holly went around to pass people these blinking lights! AND LOOK! I GOT IT!
how’s my new bling bling earring? =D.
Neon Tree’s were a BLAST I tell you. they rocked the whole place. I hadn’t heard of their songs other than the famous “Animal” but listening to them live, I understood why they have so many fans. THEY LITERALLY ROCKED THE NIGHT!
Tyler Glenn was of course, the main attraction of Neon Trees (their name matched the venue so well!) but the GIRL DRUMMER was SO COOL. I’ve never thought that the girl would be a drummer! and she drums better than so many other guys.
and it wasn’t just enjoyable to listen to. many people were dancing to their songs!
one word : AWESOME.
Jared Leto of 30seconds to Mars! he brought us to Mars when they came out.
remember what I said about his meaningful vid’s? well, they were played there too! it was difficult for my lousy phone camera to capture a picture of him as the video’s was so bright he looked dark on my camera phone =(. but he’s awesome as well. he’s so awesome I don’t need to explain further because the whole place was practically crazy when they were out!
Jared Leto is really hot <3. he doesn’t look or feel like he’s 39!
I had to leave right after listening to the 2nd song and noticed that some of those behind (I bet they’re tired =(. I was super tired at that time already. legs almost patah hahaha.) were relaxing under the Neon Trees! a very romantic scene! awwww <3.