any basketballer here? or slam dunk enthusiast? good news for you because S.O.X. All-Stars Hoops is back in town! and it’ll be happening in Maba Stadium, KL tomorrow from 9am! it is actually a 5-on-5 basketball tournament with teams from various schools all over in Malaysia in search of the BEST basketball team! certainly an event not to miss out for basketball fans!

Malaysian slam dunk!

last year, the teams showed their best and it was really an exciting competition to watch! no teams wanted to lose and therefore each of them strive for the championship!

to watch all of the awesome actions from last year, check out the videos below!

so THIS YEAR, it’ll definitely be BIGGER and TOUGHER. why? because of the awesome cash prizes! $$$$$! imagine all you can buy with it D=. there will be 4 teams selected from each region: Central, Southern, Northern and East Malaysia regions and these selected teams would be competing in the finals for the grand championship!

mark down those dates if you want to participate! now don’t the prizes look attractive enough? RM5000!!

furthermore, there are ALSO OTHER PRIZES to be won! there will be 3-POINT CHALLENGE, SKILLS CHALLENGE and ALL-STAR GAME where players can show off their amazing skills and win awesome prizes! it’s like the NBA ALL-STAR WEEKEND extravaganza! and it’ll be just more interesting to watch too! fans, friends and families of the players would have their eyes glued on the game!

before going for the competition, you can learn some tips and tricks from the KL Dragons basketball team in these especially made tutorial videos!

Video 1 – Basic Dribbling
Video 2 – Advanced 4 Corner Shooting Drill
Video 3 – Advanced Reaction Drill

all of you who want to be the future Kobe Bryants or Lebron James, check out the S.O.X. All-Stars Hoop’11 website at and you’d get all the information you need there! videos of the competitions will be added as the competition goes along!

teams participating can also create and select their own team logo! just play with the design and colour and create the best logo for your team!

will be going for the event tomorrow! so, hope to see you there! ^_________^!

(as you can see, this year’s prize is almost double the amount! do not hesitate to join really, those are good moneh! just register yourself now at!)

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13 years ago

anyone can watch the final match at kl?
any registration and entrance fee?
and where’s the location?
thanks =)