a street located next to the Gyeong Bok Gung Palace, is definitely a place to visit in Seoul. it’s an artistic street with a number of beautiful and unique coffee shops, restaurants and retail shops.
it’s walking distance from the Gyeong Bok Gung main entrance. though a little far, but taxi’s in Korea costs a bomb and Korean roads are pretty confusing (that is also why they are so interesting! <3) so sometimes they might take the wrong turn and they will still count it on your account. =(.
don’t worry about not knowing how walk there. here are directions to Sam Cheong Dong =D.
I used paint to draw on the map I obtained from google map. =P.
just so you know, Gyeong Bok Gung is GIGANTIC. it looks near but it’ll probably take around 10 to 15minutes to reach Sam Cheong Dong. =D. initially I thought it was pretty near, until when I was actually walking, I kept thinking “where is it? did we miss it?” and the street looks fab so it’s pretty impossible to.. miss it. before reaching you’d see guards further in front guarding Cheong Wa Dae’s (Korean Blue House/Prime Minister’s home) entrance =D.
to get to Gyeong Bok Gung, there’s a subway station right next to it; Gyeong Bok Gung Station. I don’t know which side was it located at as I went to Gyeong Bok Gung by foot from another palace =X. we had a Korean Boy with us to ask for directions there =D.
levels of cafes. not only are the cafe’s there beautiful, they come in decks! haha. and that’s Cafe Nescafe! =D.
that girl is modeling actually =D. shows how Sam Cheong Dong is a prime place for photo shoots even among locals!
this is a boutique. can you believe it? it’s so pretty! the price are equally as “pretty” as well. =S.
not to mention that food and drinks here are also a little bit more pricey compared to most places in Seoul but at the same time not too over the top. you’re paying for the location and environment too =D.
okay, these are madly expensive but also madly adorable. /sniff sniff/ they are handmade I guess. there were only a few of these shops when I went during sunset. the sunset on Autumn is like at 5pm T_T.
ain’t this romantic? they actually rented space to show their love. it’s actually by an artist but about the couple having to pay the artist or not, I’m not sure. haha.
this is one of the most OR was it the MOST ROMANTIC restaurant I’ve ever seen. when I saw it, I thought to myself, wouldn’t it be romantic if a guy proposed to a girl here? it’d be perfect! gah I shall create a book on “the most romantic places to propose in Seoul” HAHAHA.
more unique restaurants. they are all so pretty. and most of them are really old. as in, they have been here for over 20 years!
my mom and the amazing view of Sam Cheong Dong. I was absolutely in love with the scene but my mom couldn’t capture the same feel of me with the view.
it’s probably my face. or her skills. pfft.
wait. I think it’s the height =P. I’m a head taller than my mom. =/.
super posh chairs <3. another artsy cafe <3.
TOYKINO is located here in Sam Cheong Dong =D. TOYKINO is a Toys Museum by the way =D.
the architecture of each and every restaurant/cafe/shops took my breath away T_T. I reckon that all architecture students should visit this place at least once in their life pfft.
have you watched 49days? then you should be familiar with Sujebi. this is a LONGGG Sujebi shop =D.
gallery, restaurant and bars. they make use of every space. and unlike Malaysia, shops located above the main level does great business too!
<3. all restaurants there are just so sweet U_U.
this one caught my attention especially. like it’s name, it looks like a very magical house =P. very.. cartoony =D.
we got real hungry walking through the whole Sam Cheong Dong and decided to eat at this shop which had been opened for more than two decades.
kimchi soup hot pot with dumplings(mandu) and dokbokki(rice cakes)! it’s very special and the ajumma there told us that this is actually a very famous shop to eat these.. hot pots?
gold korean cutlery! first time seeing it =D.
close up. the fill for those dumplings are rather interesting. adding dokbukki in it was a little too filling though. the bill came up to 30,000won (RM90) for the 3 of us. as you can see.. it’s pretty pricey. but really delicious!
more to come!
The long Sujebi restaurant is really famous one…and the restaurant you went for kimchi soup hot pot with mandu has North Korean cuisine..I miss them as I stayed at Sam-cheong-dong for two years..I hope you enjoyed well in Korea
Hi! I’ve guessed so! when it’s that big, it must be good! so is the mandu’s a North Korean thing too? =O. I did! and hopefully will be there soon again!
Hi Jamie,
Nice to read your blog. It’s very interesting and has lottt of nice picture. I’m so diligent while reading your korea visit cuz I will be there too around next week :D. But, is it the weather so chilly? Looks everyone in the picture wearing thick layer or lots of layer right ? Do you have any suggestion how to dress in Korean autumn season ?
Hello MystShayda! thank you! read on please! ^.^. next week.. hmm, wouldn’t be too cold really. most of the trees are still green as of last weekend. it’s best to wear just normal clothes of what you might usually wear to a mall with an outer thin jacket and bring an extra jacket to prepare for the night time wind. those which are not too thick. the wind at night could be pretty strong =). so a wind breaker might be useful. but don’t worry. it ain’t cold. =D.
PS: I went on late november so it was very close to winter and hence my thicker clothing =D.
Hi Jamie.
I enjoyed reading your blog about korea. I plan to visit SK end of April next year. Will be staying for a whole week. I read that you stayed at namsan guesthouse. I’ve already booked us there. Can you give me an opinion of the place. I just read some of the comments and it seems such a nice place.
Btw, will try to visit the places you’ve blogged, seems interesting!!!!!!!!
Hello Christy! in April it’ll be very nice. it’ll be good if you can visit Jeju at that time because it’s Spring! also do remember to plan to visit some places for the awesome sakuras. Namsan Guesthouse is pretty small. so don’t bring such a big luggage bag. I like how they provide breakfast every morning. it’s neat and clean. they have ondol floors. do not expect hotel services like changing of mattress everyday or even tidying. its almost like staying at somebody elses house. =D. but the ajumma there is very nice she does laundry for u. =).
I still have a FEWWW more bits to blog about Seoul so wait up!
thanks Jamie. This will be our first time to visit SK. hope you can recommend places for the awesome sakuras. will wait for more blog of Seoul from you.
we will be staying at namsan for 7 days. will this mean that we will not have a change of linen for 7 days?
Am reading your blog about Japan now, I plan to go there 2013. Your blog really helps and inspire me.
thank you!
erm but you can request you see =). it’s no problem. just ask them if you want. they are very nice people. I should be around Seoul before the next sakura season so I’ll update for the places. so you must keep reading! =D.
Thanks 🙂
will keep reading
Hello, nice blog, how much is the typical rate of food? Like the one you ordered? What are the food included on a 30,000 krw? Thanks and cheers