okay, let’s start off with the INTERESTING part.
this is not something ONLY available in Japan. but eating it in such a cold weather is absolutely JJANG! awesome.
here I present to you, COLD STONE!
so far the most interesting way of eating ice cream. every selection is like an art. the combination of flavours.. oh so heavenly.
wide ranges of things to go with your ice cream.
so here’s how it is, they cook your ice cream on a long piece of cold stone. so now you know where the name come from. they mix fresh ingredients right in front of you. I had banana almond caramel and some matcha (green tea) combination.
it was very entertaining on how he “squeezed” the banana out of its skin. =D.
and what’s more entertaining? they’ll sing a familiar song (I think it’s a disney song!) while mixing it. I bet you can imagine the situation; it makes you smile!
NYAM~ ♡.
one thing about it is. it is SUPER PRICEY. the tiniest cup of ice cream costs around RM20? U_U. well, as I’ve said, concentrate on the YEN, don’t convert it to RM.
and my RM20 crepe. very famous in Harajuku but I got this in Ikebukuro’s Sunshine City. but the thing is, I find it OK. it’s nice. very creamy and the ice cream and cake part is extra delicious. but not something I’d die for (I’d die for cold stone!). but definitely looks good! =D.
remember the many floors shop right next to Sunshine City’s escalator entrance?
TADA! they have THIS! =D. it sure does look delicious.
but look again.
they care pots of delicious looking cactuses for White Day! (valentines day where guys give things to girls. very popular in Japan and Korea. and oh, there’s Black Day for the singles too! google to read. =P.)
and NANO BLOCKS! it’s the mini version of LEGO! the smaller blocks for the bigger kids. weird but true.
it’s so pretty. and there’s a camera you can decorate with these blocks too. I WANT T___T.
for the model collectors. =D.
so cute! the models here are probably much cheaper compared to M’sia. RM20-60. depending on the size I guess?
MINI LENSES! for your phone. hahaha. but it looks quite ugly so I didn’t get it HAHA. the effects are not bad though. =D. tested it. post it later. it’s still in my phone! haha.
have schoolgirl fantasies? buy them for your girlfriend. =D.
want a nose job? here. only for RM15. =D.
this reminds me of Hitler! HAHAHAHHA.
if you want real looking moustaches.. you can find them here. very expensive though. over RM100 for one. @@.
TADA! THE TAP MALE PANTIES! =D. I am guessing you pee with the tap. pfft. =X. the animation cracks me up though xD.
more cranky stuff. banana, japanese dingdongs, hairy hairy ahem, and a party thingy with a puffer to actually help blow it. HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHA.
ninja suits. they HAD to highlight the dingdongs.
metallic silver and gold ninja suits for the people with bigger dingdongs — like illustrated.
and wanna get married? get your wedding dress here =P.
basically whatever you want, you’d find it here. that hotdog has a long thing down there, if you’d notice. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!
buy this for your iPhone and you’ll be hungry 24/7. and it’s RM150 to make you hungry!
before going to Japan, I was very interested in looking for all sort of canned food. but sadly, I was told it is only sold in certain places and it isn’t exactly very popular. but here, I found something equally as interesting as things like canned bread. and it’s canned stones.
WHY DO THEY CAN STONES? it’s plain weird. hahaha.
not like stones have an expiry date. =X. or maybe these are LIVING STONES? o.0.
random camwhore picture =X. it’s been very long.
remember that mysterious shape I mentioned in my last post? well, here’s another one.. an even clearer one..
this time it’s the traffic light near the Dataran Merdeka area. it’s definitely a sign. but a sign of what? many of us have spotted it and we know that it’s coming. it seemed like somebody have already been researching on this. but what is for sure is that we have been told that this coming 6th of April, something big will be coming up on http://www.kolony.com.my. here’s a video somebody posted, somebody whom have also spotted this symbol. it seems like it is everywhere. IT’S COMING.