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SEE! I WAS THIS HAPPY! chokes. well, Everland is really fun. I reckon you go to Everland for two days back to back. =D. you won’t finish everything in just one day. too much to see!

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this building is really really nice, it gives some fairy tale feeling, but I didn’t go into it. like I’ve said, I didn’t have enough time T_T.

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ding dong bells! =D. no doubt Everland is like a Korean Disneyland. but with T-express, it beats Disneyland (at least the one in HK, which I went on 2pm and finished the whole place just in time.)


lovely christmas plants.


I dragged my mom near it and I told her “MOMMY YOU SEE THEY PLANTED REAL ONES!!!” because it was attached to the ground. my mom loves flowers a lot and had some mini business in it last time and she said it’s fake but I kept insisting that it is real. until I touched it. T_____________T. it looked so real!

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anyways, there are these cute couples in dramatic costumes all around for you to ask a picture with. =D. and they are usually very good looking <3.

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everywhere. near the entrance.

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as you walk deeper, you’d see this magical tree. =D. super love this tree.

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it’s just so magical U_U. look at those light balls!

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I have a thing for Korean school uniforms. they are so beautiful. have always wanted to wear them but too bad, Malaysian school uniform is… soo… ew. so as soon as I saw these two pretty Korean girls in school uniform (should be the same age as me because they have 50% discount for people my age after their major exam!) I asked them for a picture and they were so friendly <3.


the most expensive sausages I’ve ever eaten in my life. =X. RM12 for one. haha. the thinner one is RM9 =D. but its yummy.

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Santa and errr, Everland characters. unknown. they should look for a fatter Santa haha.

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yummy =D.


bald trees and the beautiful autumn sky!

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this reminds me of Aladin. does it reminds you of it?

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finally after half an hour of camwhoring and walking around the entrance, my friends came =D!


yes they are all good looking Korean guys hahaha. all my age. =D.

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I would have to say, these two people are one of the reason why I enjoyed Everland so much xD.

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his name is James. I met him in Central, Hong Kong, when he was doing some charity thing. @@. but we ended up becoming friends! and it was pure coincidence that we were the same age hahha.

they told me that we wouldn’t have enough time so we would have to CHOOSE games to ride. and they recommended some “starters” which were really fun.


lining up. the queue wasn’t very bad on that Monday, we didn’t have to wait much.


they shocked me by telling me this is “nothing”. it’s just the “warm up” game. but I have to say, it looks scarier than it is.

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here. it looks BLOODY scary. but it is quite alright. make you go a LITTLE dizzy. =D.

and the second game?

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the Viking. it is amazing how each and every entrance of their games are so nice. it is like, real artistic.

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they even had cow-boy like games to go along with it =D.

I salute their designers.


group picture! =D.

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^^v. now, don’t we look as if we’re at some cowboy town? hahaha.

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if you sit behind, it’ll go up to as high as 90degrees. and I sat behind. it was super exciting! >=D and this is the LARGEST ship I’ve ever sat on. bigger than the one in Ocean Park and Genting! but I advise you not to eat too much before sitting on their rides, because according to James, somebody sat behind and barfed and what happened was everybody in front became the victims of that poor guy’s puke. =X. heh?

more to come!

PS : today, I finally camwhored, was actually taking some pictures to look like this Korean singer (it’s for a contest to win that singer’s autograph ahahhaha, I was bored.) and the unedited version scares people.



this is the picture that I uploaded on facebook earlier which scared.. pretty much everyone.

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14 years ago

ahhh, one of the best theme park and well decorated too during last time when i was there.. enjoy~

14 years ago

That hotdog (called corndog) looks yummy.

12 years ago

Hi! Thank you for sharing, it’s nice! can you suggest me any guesthouse near everland? I want to book online.. Or do you think that I can just go around there and find one? ( I will come with my family, 5 people) 🙂