here’s one of the many many pictures Chee Wei took of me. =D. will post others LATER. few by few. =P. so this would be er… the introduction? haha.
so since I’ve always been the photographer, it’s my err, first time I’m being shot like for a real shoot after I know how to use a DSLR. =D. my poses will seem a little awkward as it’s actually the first time meeting Chee Wei despite knowing him for quite some time. ahhaha. and it’s the second time Chee Wei met me. why? because I forgotten about meeting him a long long time ago. he was in a mask in a halloween party! what do you expect right? hehe.
and the grass is ridiculously poky. T_T. suffered much for this shot kekekeke.
oh right before I forget. I want to tell you about my touching story today (as in when I write this post, a few days before I left for NS. OT-ing for it *OT = Over Time). I’ve always thought my mom was a little biased between me and my sister because my sister is the more soft, kind and nicer person compared to me, who would sometimes talk back. =X. maybe not just sometimes kekekeke. I told her I don’t need mosquito repellent because I don’t usually attract mosquito’s and I won’t have the time to put it on anyway. but she bought it anyway when I was busy looking somewhere else. and it costs 20bux approx. =(. waste money. but I still feel pretty touched. =(.
yeah so to you people who thinks that your parents don’t love you very much. they do. just that it’s hard for us to see sometimes. =)). (that’s on a 99.99% average at least? =X.)
and not that I didn’t know! I am just REMIND YOU. kekeke.
PS :
yes it is TRUE that I am back. I deferred NS. I was sick every single day there. fever and all and I couldn’t get enough rest there. and the water was a little too dirty for my sensitive skin which pretty much resulted to itchy skin and rashes. =(. nevertheless, it’s really fun. most of the trainers are fun people =D. the activities are beneficial too. love the classes =3. if you’re healthy, please do go! (just hate the marching under the sun part)
I AM BLOODY TAN. just 1 week. my goodness.
Hello Jamie!
I’m Laura from Italy!!
I’ve just found your blog: you’re really nice and funny!!
Hope you’ll never lose your smile and sense of humor!