you’ll probably think that the MTR is still the best thing, but in the MTR, all you’d see is ADVERTISMENTSSS. and as for trams? you’ll get to see more of Hong Kong. since it’s really cheap, just $2 per ride, and OCTOPUS CARDS ARE USABLE! =D. but just one thing, you might be squeezed, so usually I’ll run up to the top deck to find some place to sit and just go to where ever I want to. cabs are everywhere, so there is no problem about getting lost. with $$, nothing’s a problem in HK =P.

hk trams

so here’s the trams! my mom said the trams were there even when she came when she was around my age. so can you imagine HOW OLD it is? not only that, I find trams very convenient as it comes in every.. minute!

and so, the things I saw when I rode the tram.

beautiful buildings in hong kong

this is one of the reason why I love HK, even their old buildings are beautiful.


and they have really unique new buildings too!

jokey club

oh my, do you know what this is? gamble gamble horse horse! =P. look at the number of people!

the pawn

I pawn you! this is the funniest restaurant name. ever. pawn you! king of pawning!

ps : pawn is WIDELY used in games, which means… er.. to win? =P. or pawned, to lose. in games, the one who is pawned often refers to the person who is dead =X.


I thought it’s Guardians? same logo different name. how weird. >_>”.

and the spot I chose to stop at.


and that place has A WHOLE LOT OF………..


BRANDS! and all of them are the super expensive ones, 2 thousand HKD is not enough I guess to get a little something. unless you want a small little keychain. =P. but 2 thousand HKD in Mong Kok, I can buy 20 more dresses and a whole lotta accessories!

actually, I stop there because I want to take star ferry. I forgot to add in the star ferry picture ><” soon okay! but anyway, stalking somebody for a minute is enough amusing =D.

cute dressings =P

I will never make it as a stalker or a spy, because I am so damn obvious! T_T. cute dressings eh? =D.

star ferry

and you’d get the star ferry view! always remember to get the side seats! and try not to get the air conditioned side(I’m tricked T_T) unless there are no more seats outside.

xmas decoration

and the shopping mall near the pier has SUPERB decorations ALWAYS. so do go there to take some pictures =D. the decorations are EXPENSIVEEE.

talllllll building

tallest building in HK. my mom always said it spoils HK’s view. I don’t think so though hahahaha.

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16 years ago

OMG HK is gorgeous I wanna go now. Pff
Yeah the old building is really niceee.

16 years ago

yea i do notice tht their drugstores are funny.Mannings.not guardians?
i forgot bout watsons.i think its the same for

Ted Siow
Ted Siow
16 years ago

Trams are the icon of every ex-British colonial place. We use to have it in Penang and I think KL but they were ripped out for roads. Sad thing but that is Malaysian progress.

16 years ago

Lynn, GO! I SUPPORT YOU! and buy me some clothes, HK is always 6 months ahead of Malaysia. hahahahaha.

Lisa, yeap its the same, i just wonder why they have a different name for mannings.

Ted Siow, REALLY? I didn’t know that.. thanks for the info. geez, that person who wants to destroy it is stupid. very stupid.

Sharla Younkin
15 years ago

I like your website very much. Will bookmark. Keep up to marvelous work on it. Thank you

13 years ago

i am reading this few years later.. oops.. but I really need guide to Hongkong as i planned a trip to.
Saw u at napbas ’11 but didnt manage to talk to u, maybe next time 😉