I’ve wanted to blog about this before CNY, but I kept forgetting, and now since I remember I’ll just er, blog about it. It made me laugh for 600 whole seconds, minus one zero. Seriously. It’s just so funny! for me only maybe.
Was in tuition and the tuition teacher peeped at my friend’s paper with a HEART in it. It went more or less like this,
Teacher : oi oi oi, what you two doing behind there?
*peeps, saw a heart*
Teacher : no.. drawing heart for us science stream students not like that one..
*starts taking out the marker pen and draw a heart on the white board.*
and he continues..
Teacher : so hor, you must also explain to him/her which is the right atrium, the left atrium, the right ventricle, the left ventricle, the aorta, the vena cava, the pulmonary veins and the pulmonary artery.
so just to say I love you for science students involves so much of drawing. hahahaha.
So Darling.. I… I..
cute 😉
I might grow old/die before i even finish expressing my love through drawings. LOL.. for a biology student, i can’t remember which lubang goes where to save my life. Ahaha
Why was your friend drawing a heart anyway, if i may ask? And uh, it was nice meeting you * your sis!
p.s. “I Hati You” also wrong. 😛
hahaha, well, it’s just what my bio tuition teacher said. =P. my friend ar.. they’re writing love notes if im not mistaken? =P
Anyway,may i ask a question???
Which Eugene you’re mentioning???
There’r so many Eugene in our school…
Oh and mayb you don’t know me…
I’m just same school with you and…just wanted to now which Eugene…
anyway…lucky u can go meet Fann Wong!!
oh.. Eugene Lim from SSG. not Lim Eu-Gene. hahaha.
You site is good!!!
Show my links please.
hah! everytime i see this,i would just go “pffft…..*tries not to laugh*…wuahahahaha~!” and my brother just watches me as if i were dying…..xD that proves to you that it’s not you that thinks it’s funny =)
yuuki, heeeehehehee. =3. it’s cute ain’t it? xD. you should show your brother this so he can say i love you to his girlfriend scientifically. hahaha.