August: Food, Bukchon, Food, M.Net.

my title pretty much sums up my whole post for today. since I am having my exams soon so I have not been going out T_T. hence I will need to blog about stuff that are way overdue where I’ve been saving them as fillers anyway. =D. on August, my best friend, Megumi came to visit! I was so glad because we hadn’t met since March when we graduated T_T. she left right after our graduation ceremony le sigh.

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we went for Japanese food after a few rounds of Korean food. the silliest thing is that Megumi insisted on going for Fukuoka food when she’s from Fukuoka! because I love the restaurant and she wanted to have Japanese food with me since we’ve never had it together before. but she said it’s good even for a Fukuokan standard so no regrets haha. Continue reading “August: Food, Bukchon, Food, M.Net.”

yummy way to lose weight.

there are just so many ways to lose weight in South Korea. but the thing is are you disciplined enough. well me, I am not. but because of the increasing number of lazy fat girls like me, they came out with the best way. you do not need to eat less nor skip meals. all you need to do is replace your meals with Ottugi’s Cup Noodle.

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why? because it is only contains 120kcal! I am not being paid to write this. they have several flavour like the Udon, Jjimdalg, Prawn.. but my favourite is the spicy one. it is just so good. basically they are glass noodles in freaking delicious soup and a cup noodle like this only costs around 1,000won depending on where you buy it. I’ve seen it selling in Carrefour (Cheongdam) for only 890won while some places are selling it for 1,200won. there is a bigger cup with slightly more calories for beginners hahahaha. Continue reading “yummy way to lose weight.”