[Seoul: Sinchon] Cafe Container : Patbingsu Tower

so a few days ago Wai Kit sent me a picture of this tower patbingsu and asked me if I was interested. I’ve known about this oreo patbingsu for a long time since I often walk pass it. but little did I know, their oreo patbingsu is incredulously tall.

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the location is rather easy to find. it’s on that road from U-plex (Sinchon) towards Megabox (Edae). for foreigners it might be a little tricky. but just get off at Sinchon (line 2 green line) and take the the U-plex (complex exit and you will see the red mirror tube thingy) exit. cross over to the other side of the road (you will see Etude House on the other side of the road.). you should see Krispy Kreme, Look Optical and Olive young on your side of the road as you walk. just walk straight!!!!!!!!!!! about 5 minutes walk. just keep on your side of the road. Continue reading “[Seoul: Sinchon] Cafe Container : Patbingsu Tower”

Opening Party

I am finally done with my exams in Yonsei University and am looking forward to graduate this coming Friday! it’s quite saddening because I am probably the only few who won’t be wearing a Hanbok (traditional Korean costume. which my mom hates. she thinks it makes all girls look fat lol.) because I will have to get to Sungkyunkwan for a lecture right after and wearing a long heavy dress or bringing it around isn’t an easy task. besides, renting it costs about RM450 and since I have classes the whole day that day, I will be spending RM450 for 1 hour. just to look good. totally not worth it T_T. I know I will have more chances in wearing it next time =/.

I thought, “okay, I am finally a little bit more free to do whatever I want and stuff but I was wrong. I need to study like a dog because I have to attend MT (stands for membership training. but it’s actually a trip to a pension where you drink, drink and drink with your course mates until you get totally wasted. korean’s way of getting closer to each other. no joke.). thanks to that, I have to finish all my due-on-Monday homework and get done watching my online lectures which are relatively hard. I “only” have one long essay and a summary to do but the online lectures and the homework due this week are the pain in the arse. sigh. happy cramming to me?

back to topic, the week before last week was what we call the “kaepa” which stands for 캐강파피 (kae-gang-pa-ti) which means the party for the starting of the semester. but I’ll just call it opening party anyways. the last time we went drinking as a class was on the Orientation Day, but I had exams the following day and left early. so this time I was prepared to drink more as I was still a phail in games but surprisingly, did not end up drunk (반 친구들, 이걸 읽으면 나를 막 마시게 하지마세요 ㅠㅠ.).

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the thing I like about Sungkyunkwan is we are actually studying in a historical place itself. well, not that we are using the old buildings and all, but you can say we are right next to them? and we can go in anytime we want. plus, the walls surrounding our school are those korean old-school walls. which made it even more awesome! Continue reading “Opening Party”

Graduation Trip

the great thing about studying in Yonsei is their graduation vacation. (even though I heard that other schools like Kyunghee provide FREE vacation every level). although the location is always the same; Seorak Mountain, but this mountain is known to be beautiful at all 4 seasons. and a little update for the friend’s I made in Korea ^^.

드디어 우리 우아한 학교의 졸업 여행 사진을 정리했네요~ 요즘 너무나 바빠서 업데이트 못했다 힝힝힝. 이젠 성균관대 다니고 있지만 연대의 추억들을 안 잊을건다. 친구들이랑 곧 해어져서 좀 아쉽지만 새로운 생활이 시작하는 표시다. 우리 6급 6반의 공공칠 쎔은 매일 밝게 가르쳤음에도 불구하고 우리 잘 했 때엔 막 초코나 과자를 사준다. 그래서 연대 6급 다니면 (이 쎔은 6급을 2년동안 가르쳤어요~) 공공칠 쎔의 반에 들어갈 수 있다면 좋겠어요 ^^. 이젠 발표들 다 했고 논문도 했고.. 졸업좌담회 까지 했다. 어려운 산들이 곧 다 넘어져서 보람이 느낀다 정말. 그러나 이젠 성대에 다니다가 연대의 출석시간을 주의해야겠다. 운이 안 좋으면 내일 친절하지 않은 성대 쎔을 만나면 졸업식과 시험을 못 갈 수도 있다. 내말은 연대의 시험과 졸업식은 둘다 금요일에 있단말이에요. 그래서 무저건 연대에 가야되거든요. 그러나 만약에 진짜 재수없게 나쁜 성대 교수를 만나면 금요일의 반은 절때 못 빠진다고 하면 성대에 가야죠? 어차피 대학교는 더 중요하니깐. 아무래도.. 6급에 들어간이상 졸업해야죠? 비싼 학비도 한 이유중이지만. 아.. 난 본래 좀 금한 성격이라서 걱정 많이 하고 있다. 수업을 갈때마다 좀 어려움을 느껴지면 막 조마조마할 듯? 성대에 좋은 반에 들어갔으니 매우 행복하다만 자꾸 애들이랑 놀러갈 수 못해서 정말로 진심으로 미안한다. 애들이 정말 많이 도와주시고 노력해서 소통 잘 못해도 많이 대화하고 있다. 이젠 대학생활도 시작하고 그런 미팅이나 소개팅 같은 것도 해보고 싶고 술 게임도 많이 배우고 싶다. ㅋㅋ 걍 뭐 웬만하는 남자를 만날 수 있다면 좋겠고 없다면 공부에 더 집중할 수 있지 뭐. 우리 나라의 문화와 큰 차이가 나지만 한국학생들 하는 것은 한번이라도 해보고 싶다. 대학생활은 아주 어려워질 거고 힘들지만 이층에 왔으니 최선을 다 할게요~

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my all-girls class picture! well there’s only 3 guys in my class and 2 didn’t attend. =S. but I love my girls =3. all nice people. Continue reading “Graduation Trip”